For most of the United States, spring has sprung and gardening ideas are beginning to take shape. Getting your backyard ready for growing season, no matter what you're trying to grow, can be a process. After a long winter of snow, rain, and ice your yard may be in a wide range of readiness for planting. We've got a few tips on how to make sure you are prepared for spring and summer.

- Place your orders for summer bulbs and seeds. With the popularity of gardening growing, more people will be looking to buy these items early, so making sure you're ahead of the crowds and ensure you'll get the flowers you want.
- Clean up your greenhouse and tools. Sharpen any blades of tools, replace any tools that are broken or rusted and replenish any supplies you may be low on like fertilizer, plant supports or cages. If you have a greenhouse, sweep out plant debris, wash pots and seed trays and make sure to ventilate the greenhouse so it dries completely.
- Clean up flower beds. Spring cleaning of your garden beds is super important to get dead leaves, flowers and brush out of the way. Pull any weeds that may still be alive, cut back any old growth and expose the soil to air and sunlight. You can compost any dead organic matter to use later in the season as healthy soil (check out our bonus tip for more!).
- Early planting can begin. There are many plants you can keep indoors and grow until temperatures outside are appropriate for planting. Hardier vegetables tend to do better with this method, including some lettuces, artichokes, onions and potatoes. You can also begin planting bulbs, but make sure to plant properly and water thoroughly.
- Remove any garden pests. In some climates, slugs, aphids or snails can begin hibernating in flower beds to be protected from the weather. Make sure to find and destroy any larvae that may have taken up residence in your gardens.
- BONUS: Create a compost bin. You can create a small bin in which you deposit dead leaves, flowers and debris that accumulated over the winter. This will make for great soil come summertime. All of your organic waste including grass clippings can be made into great compost, but don't forget to aerate it each month to keep it healthy.
Having trouble picking your garden "style"? We've got some helpful ideas on how to match your garden with your outdoor style here.